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O’BôYA Restaurant Grill Courchevel

O'BôYA Restaurant Grill Courchevel
O'BôYA Restaurant Grill Courchevel
O'BôYA Restaurant Grill Courchevel
O'BôYA Restaurant Grill Courchevel
O'BôYA Restaurant Grill Courchevel
O'BôYA Restaurant Grill Courchevel
O'BôYA Restaurant Grill Courchevel
O'BôYA Restaurant Grill Courchevel
O'BôYA Restaurant Grill Courchevel
O'BôYA Restaurant Grill Courchevel
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Cuisine Type
1631 Rue Park City, 73120 Courchevel, France

In Courchevel 1850, the O'Bôya restaurant offers a selection of the finest meat and fish dishes. You'll have the pleasure of tasting everything on the grill, in front of you, in an open kitchen!
O'Bôya is also listed in the Michelin Guide 2017. "Warmth, romance and quality" are the watchwords that govern our establishment.
Courchevel 1850 O'Bôya restaurant offers a selection of the best meats and fish to come and eat a lot. You will have the pleasure of tasting everything at the grill, in front of you, in an open kitchen!
O'Bôya is also a presence on the Michelin Guide 2017. "Warmth, romance and quality" are the watchwords that govern our establishment.

Courchevel 1850 O'Bôya restaurant offers a selection of the best meat and fish to come and eat a lot. You will have the pleasure of tasting everything on the grill, in front of you, in the open kitchen!
O'Bôya is also featured in the Michelin Guide 2017. "Warmth, romance and quality" are the slogans that drive our establishment. Notre équipe vous accueille tous les soirs de 19h à 23h30.

Business Hour

  • Monday
    17:00 - 02:00
  • Tuesday
    17:00 - 02:00
  • Wednesday
    17:00 - 02:00
  • Thursday
    17:00 - 02:00
  • Friday
    17:00 - 02:00
  • Saturday
    17:00 - 02:00
  • Sunday
    17:00 - 02:00


1631 Rue Park City, 73120 Courchevel, France


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